Blood of Kings 3.03 Hoist the Colors

Episode 3 October 27, 2021 02:52:46
Blood of Kings 3.03 Hoist the Colors
Goblets and Gays - A Pathfinder 2e Podcast
Blood of Kings 3.03 Hoist the Colors

Oct 27 2021 | 02:52:46


Show Notes

The gang heads to Sager to meet up with a certain Captain, while Astraea attempts a ritual. A lot has happened since the group last saw The Captain, so there was a lot to catch them up on. Including the whole missing Astraea part. Time for everyone to talk out their issues and hopefully make a breakthrough and come up with a plan to save their friend! 

Remember if you're enjoying the show to follow us on all social media @gobletsandgays! Also please like, share, review, and subscribe to help us find other gays. Don't forget to join us over on our discord!

Theme by @seanmcro

Help out #UnionizePaizo!

Cast: Dungeon Master - @MadQueenCosplay | Astraea - @Akinomii_Art | Dumisa - @DragonCatpaw | Marrow - @TickoutSydabus | Illiana - @TrulaMarie | Grun - @Dragonmaster149 | The Captain - @Pisharpart

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