Welcome to the World of Shambhala. In this enchanting world of wondrous beings, we gather a ragtag team of adventures for a once in a lifetime opportunity. The Promises of riches, family, security and adventure all bring them together, but can they survive a high speed train heist? Tune in to find out! Remember if you're enjoying the show to follow us on all social media @gobletsandgays! Also please like, share, review, and subscribe to help us find other gays. Don't forget to join us over on our discord!
Theme by @seanmcro
Dungeon Master - @Akinomii_Art
Clem - @TickoutSydabus
Hoshi - @Dragonmaster149
Pyra - @MadQueenCosplay
Someone is hunting Dhampir in Salvation Row, with the promise of fake papers the Anathema jumps into this case headfirst. Stories of a crying...
We are back with the final battle of season 3! The god of the seas steps up to the plate, it's time to see...
The crew has finally arrived in Obarra, but it's nothing like they pictured it. All other wagons are missing and the fog that surrounds...