Episode Transcript
[00:00:43] Speaker A: Waking up dreaming dark so long I cannot find meaning hold my hand Let me stay by your side through this never ending night I can feel it now it holds me all the these demons always roam me in this red light. Because me, he is reaching out.
[00:01:29] Speaker B: Yeah. And the other team, as you arrive in the Narrows, could all of you give me a perception check how you perceive these nuts?
[00:01:37] Speaker C: Actually. Wait. Balls. I'm not. I'm not muted anymore. I'm on. Sorry. Receive these nuts.
[00:01:43] Speaker D: And 21.
[00:01:45] Speaker C: Apologize. I was muted. I'm sorry.
[00:01:48] Speaker E: So like can perceive everything but does not have to perceive these nuts.
[00:01:53] Speaker C: Just let me live.
[00:01:57] Speaker D: I rolled nicely. One second. 24.
[00:02:00] Speaker B: 24, yeah.
[00:02:02] Speaker D: Rolled high. Thank you.
[00:02:04] Speaker C: I got a 12 and I'm getting my actual physical dice tray back because they would never fail me like this.
[00:02:10] Speaker E: Don't speak too quickly.
[00:02:12] Speaker B: Don't speak too quickly.
[00:02:13] Speaker C: I won't.
[00:02:14] Speaker B: Oh, so Laith and Gray Wing, you notice this as soon as you get to the Narrows. The Narrows themselves are very much as they speak. They're a small strip of honestly, mostly docks and warehouses along Lake Cassian. As mostly here is shipyards, docks and warehouses.
You see some ships are currently docked, but there's also a quite a few of them just out on the lake. No one to bring them into port currently.
And you see this as it.
As you enter the district, there is this one area where there's this. It was a warehouse at some point, but it has been something looks like it had went through several of the walls and caused the roof to collapse. And you watch as some of these people are magically throwing water on this warehouse that is essentially now more than little more than cinders.
[00:03:23] Speaker D: Can we ask around maybe what happened and stuff?
[00:03:29] Speaker B: Yeah, you get stories of stories of this sea monster that came out of the lake and tore through this warehouse to steal the bounty of fish that was in it.
And when they tried to fight it off, it set the warehouse on fire.
[00:03:55] Speaker D: So the sea monster can breathe fire. That is quite the pickle.
[00:04:09] Speaker E: Any indication of like how big it was? Was it like person sized? Nessie sized?
[00:04:17] Speaker B: They, they're telling you this thing is like massive, gargantuan, you know, towered well above this warehouse. Like took out like the wall with a single bite.
You also don't know how much of this is them embellishing a story.
But if anybody, either of you three want to make a nature check to see if anything rings true.
[00:04:46] Speaker E: I mean, can. Oh, can I use gossip lore?
[00:04:50] Speaker B: Yes, you can use gossip lore.
[00:04:56] Speaker D: Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.
[00:04:58] Speaker C: My Nature is not good. But I'm gonna give it a shot because honestly, I'm curious.
[00:05:03] Speaker D: So I got 23 for nature.
[00:05:07] Speaker E: Beautiful. I got a 14. And with gossip lore, if I fail, I get dubious knowledge. If you're interested in that.
[00:05:15] Speaker B: Mm.
So for gossip or was there gonna be a lot of lore? You. You did technically succeed on that because it's a. It is a. It is a legend. It is. There's that there's a sea monster that sleeps below Lake Cassian and you know, kind of your. Your classic Nessie champ vibes. Big, large, scaly thing. Greenwing. That sounds like a sea drake that they're describing.
You. You remember there was a book that your sister was reading and had a very similar description of a monster that these pirates were fighting.
[00:05:57] Speaker D: It's a sea drake.
[00:06:01] Speaker C: Oh, I see.
Well, that makes sense. If it's underwater, why does it breathe fire? If it's underwater, what evolutionary benefit does it gain? I look at grave one ex. If she knows the answer.
[00:06:13] Speaker D: Expecting it open. Cooking. Cooking its food up. Wooden boats.
Lots of things actually with that 23. With that 23. Does that factor. I'm speaking out my ass. Aubrey.
[00:06:29] Speaker B: Actually breathes lightning.
But you know, something hits lightning can easily set things on fire.
[00:06:38] Speaker D: Graving will just be like. Well, actually it breathes. It's like me. It breathes lightning.
[00:06:44] Speaker C: Oh, that's very good to know. Interesting.
[00:06:47] Speaker D: Yeah. So that would make sense on why it set fire to it.
Double or nothing. It's edible.
I give like how I'm giving, like how I'm giving the camera right now. Like a little finger gun. Bravely gives Nile like a finger gun one. One handed only, but just kind of like a.
We're on the up and up here.
[00:07:10] Speaker C: Okay. You see like it's not like a smile, but you see Nyla's eyes widen and they look very excited. It's just like. Or single eye. I guess. Technically there's only one eye. I always forget that eye wise. Just like. Oh. Oh, that's great. Oh, my goodness. I wonder what it feels like.
[00:07:26] Speaker D: The tricky part here is luring it out and then fighting it.
[00:07:33] Speaker E: Well, apparently it likes fish.
[00:07:37] Speaker D: Fish is a good lure, but keeping it from jumping back into the ocean is.
That's. That's our kind of key here. The once it gets in there, we're kind of.
[00:07:50] Speaker B: Yeah. And on your gossip lore light, there's lots of stories about this creature. And a lot of the stories it coming up and attacking things is not usually in the story. So that's definitely new.
[00:08:09] Speaker E: I've heard the stories about the lake monster, but not really of it coming out of the lake.
[00:08:20] Speaker C: You think something's changed with its ecosystem?
[00:08:22] Speaker A: Absolutely.
[00:08:24] Speaker E: I mean, if it has to hunt for fish in warehouses.
[00:08:29] Speaker D: Could be something else that's. Maybe. Maybe someone else is luring it here. I mean, we had a.
We had a dom. Fear kidnapping.
Oh, let's think. I'll believe anything at this point. Oh.
[00:08:45] Speaker C: As great as it would be to cook and hunt this monster for a wonderful meal, do you think it might be more efficient to figure out what's causing it to come out?
[00:08:53] Speaker D: I don't think it can hurt, but at least we have. We've got a lot of. We've got plan A right now. We have a plan A. We can work on plan B.
We have time to work on. Plan B is right, is what I should be saying.
Let's look around these docks some more, but try not to hell jump in any holes. Sewer grates, nothing.
[00:09:23] Speaker C: Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm gonna say it's like, kind of to the group. So hopefully no one over here is ideal. Any type of things. Like, don't the cousins do stuff with monsters? I heard they were monster hunters. Maybe they know a little bit more about this and they might have something about it.
[00:09:38] Speaker D: Pretty sure they claim to be. So maybe.
[00:09:45] Speaker E: Only you heard I was a monster hunter or. Claims it.
[00:09:53] Speaker C: Do you think he. Do you think he's not a good one or not one? You keep saying claims it.
[00:10:00] Speaker D: Well, anybody can. I. I can claim to fly, but it's gonna be hard for you to believe me because I don't have wings.
[00:10:12] Speaker C: Raven, you could say that you could turn the moon on its side, and I would believe you.
[00:10:17] Speaker D: Oh.
Oh, oh, okay. I'm flattered. Thank you.
[00:10:22] Speaker B: Which moon is the question.
We got two.
[00:10:25] Speaker D: Oh.
[00:10:26] Speaker C: That's up to Grave Wing, isn't it?
[00:10:28] Speaker D: Just punches the moon.
[00:10:31] Speaker C: I'm gonna punch the moon.
[00:10:33] Speaker D: Now I'm thinking about Despicable Me Minions. We are going to steal the moon.
[00:10:41] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. If you're looking around, give me more perception checks.
[00:10:46] Speaker C: Maybe the real monster is gonna be a guy in a fursuit. Huh? God damn it.
[00:10:51] Speaker E: I'd specifically like to talk to folks and hear if there have been other, like, warehouses that have been attacked or boats or anything.
[00:11:02] Speaker D: If you're gonna do.
[00:11:04] Speaker B: If you want to use your gossip lore for that, you can.
[00:11:09] Speaker D: If you're. If you're gonna do the talking, then I will for sure try to push more into looking. Looking?
[00:11:19] Speaker C: But I'm scared of People. So I got 21 for perception.
[00:11:25] Speaker E: 26 gossip.
[00:11:29] Speaker D: That was almost on that. 20. It's not. I, I saw it go to 20 and it did it. It still rolled high, but I, I just. That got me for a second.
22 for perception.
[00:11:42] Speaker B: 22 for perception, yeah. No, we'll start with you. Lay through your gossip lore like lots of stories. This started about two months ago, give or take, with this. This monster coming in and attacking. It's always attacked warehouses or fishing boats, usually after they've come in and bring in the catch.
So a lot of people think it's hungry.
But yet again, it's just like, why is it. Maybe it's just learned that there's just an abundance of food here.
Who knows?
That is the big thing for that. And then sort of lots of stories of.
There's apparently an old, old story about a dockmaster doing a ritual to soothe this monst, you know, and apparently it's passed down from dockmaster to dockmaster. And would you believe it, about three months ago we got a new dockmaster.
[00:12:47] Speaker E: Is that an appointed position or how does one become a dockmaster?
[00:12:55] Speaker B: It is. It is kind of not necessarily appointed. You don't vote on it. It's usually passed down from whoever is the current one will not necessarily name their successor. It'll just be like, you're going to be the apprentice. You're going to apprentice me under me until I retire. Then you're going to become the new dockmaster, so on and so forth.
And gravewing, you find a previous area where it is attacked and you actually managed to get a handful of these sort of iridescent blue green scales.
Each scale is actually probably close to the size of your hand. You get three or four of them.
[00:13:38] Speaker D: Oh, well, nice.
[00:13:40] Speaker B: If you ask around, apparently one of the.
The, the dock workers sort of attacked it and, you know, they managed to injure it a little bit. And that's where these scales came from.
[00:13:55] Speaker D: I mean, I'll show it to you guys once I. Once I get out. Wait. Niall still has to do stuff. But yeah, for sure. I'll show it to you guys when we regroup.
[00:14:04] Speaker B: And for Niall, you find an area where it has ruined area of the dock where you could find all of these large scratch marks where this is where it latched on to pull itself up out of the water.
And these claws are like the size of your forearm.
[00:14:28] Speaker C: I see. This is.
This is actually quite a massive creature. They weren't really over exaggerating on it internally. Thanks. This is me. I think we can eat it. I think it would be kind of fun.
[00:14:40] Speaker B: It's just like. Think of. It's so much. I'm sure we could.
It's so much meat.
[00:14:51] Speaker C: I don't know if we could pull it off. But I'm just saying, theoretically, if we can't. If we can't do this, the pacifist route, this would be a lot of meat to cook for everyone.
How hungry are we right now for human flesh, though? It's been a while.
[00:15:06] Speaker B: It just goes very. I need to eat.
[00:15:10] Speaker C: Okay, I'll see what I can do about that then.
All right. And I'll head back to the group and let them know about the size and stuff like that of the monster.
[00:15:19] Speaker D: I just show you the scales?
Yeah, I found it at one of the attack sites.
It's pretty big, huh?
These are just scales.
[00:15:37] Speaker C: Perhaps fighting it is actually not the best option, but more of like a final.
Final thing. Like a last resort. Last resort, yes, that's what it is.
[00:15:47] Speaker E: Size. You'd think keeping it away would be a priority, but apparently.
Apparently the Dockmaster has some sort of ritual to soothe it, keep it from attacking.
And we got a new Dockmaster about a month before these attacks started, so perhaps something was not quite passed down correctly.
[00:16:11] Speaker D: You think we should be giving the Dark Master a visit? Mm, maybe clear the air. Yeah.
Should we?
You think? We got about a mile to where the cousins and Alistair are. I could try and send him a message.
This is also a mechanics question, Aubrey.
[00:16:35] Speaker B: Um, it would probably be more than a mile, because they're probably getting ready to leave the. The estate at this point.
[00:16:46] Speaker C: Leith, actually, can you go on ahead? I'd like to speak with Gravelyn one on one, in private. And I don't want you eavesdropping, because I know you do that sometimes.
[00:16:57] Speaker E: Wow. She was not going to eavesdrop, but now she is absolutely walking, like, around the corner, listening in.
[00:17:06] Speaker C: Can I perception check this? Because I don't trust Slave. I'm not gonna lie.
[00:17:12] Speaker B: Yeah, it's gonna be.
It'll be lathe. Stealth versus your perception, DC.
[00:17:22] Speaker D: Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
[00:17:26] Speaker E: That is a 27.
[00:17:28] Speaker C: You, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you.
[00:17:33] Speaker E: If you hadn't made a smarty comment, she wouldn't have done it.
[00:17:37] Speaker C: It wasn't even a smarty comment. It was just a literal statement.
[00:17:40] Speaker D: Don't mean.
[00:17:42] Speaker B: Isn't that. Is that a critical success?
[00:17:44] Speaker D: It is.
[00:17:44] Speaker C: Yeah, I guess.
[00:17:46] Speaker D: Whatever.
[00:17:47] Speaker B: Leith is gone. You're not sure where they are.
[00:17:50] Speaker C: I hope they're not eavesdropping, but Graveling. I have a bit of a pressing matter that I need your help with.
[00:17:55] Speaker D: What is it?
[00:17:56] Speaker C: I mentioned to you my dietary restriction requirements, and I. I do need to eat again very soon.
[00:18:08] Speaker D: The.
Uhhuh. The calcium deficiency you have. Yeah.
[00:18:14] Speaker C: Yes, that.
It's. It's unfortunate, and I would prefer to, like, you know.
[00:18:25] Speaker D: Okay, I'm going to be so real with you right now. I have no idea how to help you.
Because the thing we are fighting are.
It's most likely not a bad, Not a.
It's probably not high enough in calcium for you, is it?
[00:18:46] Speaker C: It's not particularly the type of calcium I need. I'm going to think to myself, would a giant sea monster fix this schism? I know it's not human flesh, but will it work?
No, it will not. No. But perhaps this dock master is really corrupt.
[00:19:05] Speaker D: Look, I'm not gonna promise anything because there's a good chance that the Dogmaster is not corrupt, and perhaps the previous Dogmaster just simply died and that's why no one was there to teach him. Teach them what they need to know. So there is, there's always that. You gotta think about that.
I know.
[00:19:30] Speaker C: I'm also thinking about my current health at the moment.
[00:19:35] Speaker D: I'm aware, but.
[00:19:39] Speaker C: Not so hungry, pal.
[00:19:41] Speaker D: I don't, I. Like I said, I don't know how to help you with this.
[00:19:46] Speaker C: Just, if there's a opportunity to keep your eye out, just appreciate it. And just. If I need to excuse myself for a minute. You didn't see me and I didn't see you.
Please, okay, please trust my moral compass at least a little bit on this one.
[00:20:04] Speaker D: I, I. Look, I, I trust, I trust that you have yourself and this dietary restriction under as much control as you can. We literally cannot judge you in this group, and if we do, well, I mean, three of them are nobles, so I would assume they judge a lot.
[00:20:34] Speaker C: I think, I think Leith would call me some very mean words if they knew, so I don't want to tell them.
[00:20:40] Speaker D: Look, I like Leif, but Leith has some unruly ties, and I think unruly ties equal to not be judgmental in this case scenario.
[00:20:54] Speaker C: You think that she's. Wait, oh yeah. Does Leith use they. Them pronouns only, or I mixed it up late?
[00:21:00] Speaker E: Uses she any.
[00:21:02] Speaker C: Okay, Shenny programs. Got it. Shenny program.
Well, maybe she would actually be able to help me if that's, you know, the case with my dietary restriction.
[00:21:17] Speaker D: What are you implying?
What are you.
[00:21:21] Speaker C: What are you implying?
[00:21:22] Speaker D: This is. That's the most ominous shit you've said ever.
[00:21:28] Speaker C: Honestly, I'm just desperate. I don't know anymore.
At this point, I'll just take anything.
[00:21:36] Speaker D: Oh, my goodness. Okay, look, look, look, look. I'll keep an eye out, obviously.
[00:21:44] Speaker C: How?
If you think Leif was a non judgmental person, I will ask her to also keep an eye out for anything that might be dietary appropriate.
[00:22:00] Speaker D: Truthfully, I think you should be pretty open about to everyone about your restrictions.
[00:22:05] Speaker C: Oh, I suppose so.
[00:22:09] Speaker D: It's very specific.
[00:22:12] Speaker C: I should. I should go find Leith then.
[00:22:16] Speaker D: Yeah.
[00:22:19] Speaker C: Thank you, Graveling. You are a very good person to talk to.
[00:22:25] Speaker D: I'm glad that you feel that way.
This. That came off very, very.
You know what? Let it come off the way it came off.
[00:22:39] Speaker C: That's okay. I think it came off very nice. And I'm not going to question anything. Otherwise. I'm gonna go find Leith. I don't know if I can with that stealth roll you made, but I'll find Leith.
[00:22:52] Speaker B: Yeah. Leith. So you. You heard that whole thing? So do you want to do anything about that?
[00:22:58] Speaker E: I am going to pretend that I did not hear about it and will look like I am investigating when Niall is like, oh, I'll go find Leith. Look, like I'm investigating the sea drink.
[00:23:10] Speaker C: I'm going to scuttle up behind Laith. Like, scuttle, scuttle, scuttle. Leif, may I have a word with you?
[00:23:18] Speaker E: What was the point of breaking us up if you want a word.
[00:23:20] Speaker C: Now, Graveling has persuaded me that you are a trustworthy individual, and I think I may have judged you too harshly when I first met you.
[00:23:30] Speaker E: Mm.
[00:23:32] Speaker C: I have.
I. I have a bit of a dietary restriction in which I am unfortunately required to consume. I'm saying this part quietly, but I'm saying. I'm saying this part quietly, so, like, if there's any way you just drop it. They have a hard time. I am unfortunately forced to consume human flesh on a regular basis unless my. If I don't, my body will eat itself, essentially.
It is very unfortunate, and it is not done out of a choice, but as necessity. And you are very good at potentially noticing dead people's bodies or creating dead bodies.
I'm not particularly sure, but it. I was told that it's a good idea to trust in the group, and so I trust you with this unfortunate dietary restriction which I have. And if you happen to come across any dead bodies. I am very hungry and I need to feed.
[00:24:29] Speaker E: It's unfortunate you weren't around when my mother died. Could have saved us a lot of trouble.
[00:24:35] Speaker C: I Mean, if you kill her again, I will eat her.
[00:24:38] Speaker E: I think she's undead at this point. I don't know that that makes for a good meal.
[00:24:45] Speaker C: I'm gonna think just because I'm. Can I eat an undead person?
[00:24:53] Speaker B: May not turn out so well. Depends on how long they've been undead.
[00:24:58] Speaker C: Depending on how long she's been undead, it might just be a bad stomach ache at worse.
[00:25:03] Speaker E: Well, there's a reason above table that Aubrey keeps saying, no, you should not eat ghouls, so I think it might.
[00:25:08] Speaker C: Be just a bad stomach ache. Yeah, but ghouls are different. Ghouls have like some sort of like, ghouls are literally contagious with a ghoul disease. Undead just means the body's.
[00:25:19] Speaker B: You don't know what exactly brought the Idrisi back.
[00:25:23] Speaker C: Oh my God. She's a ghoul. But like super ghoul. Okay, never mind.
Well, unfortunately I was not there to eat your mother, but if you have any other non undead relatives that need to be consumed, just let me know.
[00:25:36] Speaker E: Or I want to take a bite at the Scriabins. But have you apologized to Alistair?
[00:25:45] Speaker C: I have not told him about this yet, and I'm a little bit scared to, but I will be apologizing.
[00:25:51] Speaker E: You made such a big deal about not eating people.
[00:25:55] Speaker C: To be fair, he did say my biggest personal secret in a group of strangers. So quite frankly, I was a little bit taken off guard and I wasn't really sure how anyone would react in this situation. I just wanted to it out of that jail alive and in one piece.
[00:26:12] Speaker E: If you want to make it out of. Sit out of situations better, please get better at lying.
It was deeply obvious and frankly offensive.
[00:26:25] Speaker C: Was that an insult.
[00:26:28] Speaker E: That you're a bad liar? Do you take that as an insult?
[00:26:31] Speaker C: Was it meant as an insult or constructed criticism?
[00:26:36] Speaker E: However you want to take it, Nile.
[00:26:40] Speaker C: Why do people keep saying that to me?
Just. We'll be on dead body alert and if we find someone unethical, you know, I do the little like sling throat motion with my finger. Like, you know, just. Yeah, don't worry about it.
And thank you for not eavesdropping. It was very respectful of you.
[00:27:07] Speaker E: Sure.
[00:27:10] Speaker C: All right. And I'll be down to rejoin now.
[00:27:17] Speaker B: Yeah, you. You rejoin the three of you. And I think you all want to rejoin with the cousins plus rat.
[00:27:27] Speaker D: Yeah, the cousins plus rat should be rejoic with us. They know where we are. We were. We hit two places.
And also they got to be here for Alistair. Right. Because Alistair is tower is Here.
[00:27:44] Speaker B: No, the tower is.
Yeah, tower is in Starlight Bastion.
[00:27:49] Speaker D: It's still closer here.
[00:27:51] Speaker B: It is very close here.
[00:27:53] Speaker A: So don't still need like, to go into Starlight Bastion through unconventional ways, since it's technically locked on the outside to the public.
[00:28:03] Speaker D: Yeah, but those unconventional ways, like, took us to, like, Salvation Row originally.
[00:28:07] Speaker B: No, dark like Bazaar.
[00:28:10] Speaker D: Dark Ride Bazaar, really. Oh, damn. I could have been at home for, like, ever ago.
[00:28:18] Speaker B: And there's.
I mean, there's various ways, but the one that you know in and out easily is Starlight Bastion to Dark Light.
Yeah, so it is. The rest of it is currently, for the time being, until the last, the ghouls are dead, locked up.
But yes, you all eventually reconvene somewhere.
[00:28:48] Speaker D: Dark Light. Because I don't think we would have been taking around the two giant canisters.
[00:28:54] Speaker F: We had to go. Weren't we stopping by the house on the way somewhere?
[00:29:02] Speaker G: Oh, yes, that was a me thing. But I plan to go on that on my own regardless.
[00:29:07] Speaker B: You were.
[00:29:08] Speaker G: So I'll meet up with the group.
[00:29:09] Speaker B: You were heading to. Clock recalls.
[00:29:11] Speaker F: Right.
[00:29:15] Speaker G: I wanted to actually had to see a separate family member, but I wasn't going to tell the group. Dad in character.
[00:29:22] Speaker B: Ah.
[00:29:24] Speaker G: So that's why I'm like, yeah, I'll go with the rest of the group if we're gonna meet up. So I could drop off the rat and cousin.
[00:29:30] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, we can do that. So, yeah, you all reconvene and can at least disseminate information.
[00:29:38] Speaker C: First thing I say is, alistair, I'm sorry, Niall.
[00:29:42] Speaker D: Why don't you go first and share the class? It's going to be funnier this way.
[00:29:47] Speaker C: That's not meant to be funny, but I'm gonna hold. I'm gonna look at you and just be like. Can I hold your hand while I say this?
[00:29:57] Speaker D: Me?
[00:29:58] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:30:03] Speaker D: Like you're fucking five. Sure.
[00:30:05] Speaker F: Wait, so you're looking really nervous and holding Grave Wing's hand.
[00:30:13] Speaker E: They're asking for your blessing to get married, Alistair.
[00:30:18] Speaker F: Are y'all dating now?
[00:30:20] Speaker C: No. I was gonna tell you all that I eat people. It's a diet.
[00:30:27] Speaker G: Oh, so you're fighting dummies.
[00:30:28] Speaker B: This is a joke?
[00:30:32] Speaker C: No, it's an unfortunate dietary restriction. If I don't give my body human parts to eat, it will start to eat itself and I will die.
[00:30:41] Speaker A: So you kill other people so you lose?
[00:30:43] Speaker C: Well, yeah, pretty much.
[00:30:49] Speaker D: Wait, make that face again.
[00:30:51] Speaker C: That's improbable for an emote.
Dang it.
[00:30:56] Speaker D: We have this recorded. Don't worry about it.
[00:30:58] Speaker C: Oh, thank God. We gotta crop that emote.
I do try to be as ethical as possible and only, you know, kill people when really needed and if they were going to kill someone else. So it's technically saving our life if you think about it.
[00:31:16] Speaker G: So you're finally apologizing to us?
[00:31:17] Speaker D: Yes.
[00:31:18] Speaker C: I'm sorry. It was true. I didn't really like how you outed that personal detail about my life, but I shouldn't have been so aggressive and also lied as much as I did.
[00:31:25] Speaker A: You gaslighted Alistair.
[00:31:30] Speaker F: I, I'm just, I, I'm kind of in shock because like we had like out of character. Just this is the emotions going over Alistair's face is like the. Yeah, that's cool. Wait, but we like made good and like we're all cool. But you didn't tell me this.
[00:31:50] Speaker C: I'm, I wasn't particularly sure how you would react to be honest.
[00:31:54] Speaker F: I am just all, all non verbal like, like just the, the, this tableau of emotions from the cool to the what to the if it helps, I.
[00:32:08] Speaker C: Wasn'T going to any of you.
[00:32:12] Speaker G: I'm just glad you're finally saying something.
[00:32:16] Speaker C: Well, that's.
[00:32:19] Speaker F: What's with the rumors.
[00:32:21] Speaker C: Yeah, I, it is an unfortunate requirement, but I do my best to work around it. I don't like that Lou keeps giving me the worst side eye that she could possibly muster but would use a.
[00:32:32] Speaker A: Stronger word than unfortunate. But okay. It's your condition.
[00:32:36] Speaker C: I'll be blunt. If you guys find someone or a dead body, just let me know because I am very hungry.
[00:32:41] Speaker F: Hey, what about the guy that's watching Lou's dad, Whiskey Dragon?
Do we know that it's him?
[00:32:51] Speaker A: Well, we know it is sometimes him. I don't know if there's more and we don't know why they're doing it.
What about the graveyard? Have you tried just eating a corpse?
[00:33:02] Speaker C: I mean, if the corpse is fresh enough, yes. I've done some grave digging before.
[00:33:08] Speaker G: You should have just told us this friend you're Buddy, you're a very bad liar.
[00:33:12] Speaker C: I've been told as much. I'm not sure if it was an insult or encouragement to improve myself, but.
[00:33:19] Speaker G: I, I, I think you should just get better at lying.
[00:33:22] Speaker D: I, I think, I think we all should. Should we also should like fully stay because we're being a little too chill about this that like we don't necessarily support like the cannibalism part. It's not great. It's not great. Yeah, you know, like killing someone to.
[00:33:39] Speaker A: Save yourself is questionable, you know, not.
[00:33:43] Speaker G: Really, there are a menace to society. I care.
[00:33:47] Speaker D: It's.
[00:33:48] Speaker C: If I had the choice not to do it, I would certainly not be doing it. And I have been trying every other method possible to keep myself alive.
[00:33:54] Speaker D: Yeah, look, that. That. That. That should. Aside. I just feel like we should. We should also open because I think a lot. We're. We're also being super chill about this and I just. I just don't want you to think, oh, we can let like, we can have a whole group of cannibals. No, no, no, no, no.
But your. Your situation, I genuinely don't think you'd make it up.
[00:34:21] Speaker C: I think if people eat other people.
[00:34:22] Speaker D: Because you're a bad liar.
[00:34:23] Speaker C: Hey, I think if people eat other people for fun, it's actually really weird.
[00:34:28] Speaker A: Just. Weird? Only.
[00:34:30] Speaker C: Weird?
[00:34:31] Speaker A: That's the strongest word you want to use right now. It's weird.
[00:34:34] Speaker C: I don't think I can morally use stronger words given my situation.
[00:34:38] Speaker A: You can. You should please use a stronger word than weird.
[00:34:42] Speaker G: Question. Where are we?
[00:34:44] Speaker D: We're in the shop. We're in the shop.
[00:34:47] Speaker G: Okay, great. Just wanted to be sure.
[00:34:50] Speaker C: Listen to this. Sipping a cup of tea like she should know.
[00:34:56] Speaker D: Who? Her. Who? Who her? What's going on here?
[00:34:58] Speaker C: Yeah, Judah, freaking watch.
[00:34:59] Speaker A: And listen, I'm never going to come to the bar now.
[00:35:04] Speaker C: Don't worry, Juniper. I had no plans to ever eat you. You're very sweet.
[00:35:09] Speaker A: Not actually reassuring to hear.
[00:35:12] Speaker F: Yeah, that just makes it sound more like you're gonna dessert.
[00:35:16] Speaker A: That means like you actually had to think about it and make the decision.
[00:35:20] Speaker C: I mean, I have thought about the order in which I would eat all of you if I had to.
[00:35:23] Speaker D: But see, now that you don't say that you. That you don't admit. That's.
[00:35:28] Speaker G: That's an inside thought.
[00:35:29] Speaker D: That's something you take to your grave.
[00:35:31] Speaker C: Understood. I definitely did not think of that.
[00:35:34] Speaker A: It's too late. You already said it. You can't answer it. Trust me. You said I better have not been on the.
[00:35:40] Speaker D: I better have not been on the list. I'll kill you.
[00:35:42] Speaker C: Oh, no, it was. It was like an order. Not actually. I'm not gonna keep saying. I'm not gonna specify. You told me.
[00:35:47] Speaker G: You should. You should, you know, take a zipper, throw away the keys.
[00:35:52] Speaker C: I do have a doctor that I have been seeing that has been analyzing my condition. Aubrey. What's her name?
[00:36:01] Speaker B: Her name is Indigo.
[00:36:02] Speaker C: Indigo.
[00:36:03] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:36:04] Speaker C: Okay.
[00:36:05] Speaker D: Where the. Did you get a doctor in dark light?
[00:36:09] Speaker B: They're not a. They're not a. They're not a doctor. They're an alchemist.
[00:36:13] Speaker C: They're an alchemist. My apologies, exactly.
[00:36:16] Speaker D: You gotta even use better words. The fuck. Last time I saw a doctor here, he wasn't a doctor. He just liked killing people.
[00:36:25] Speaker C: Well, her name is Indigo. She's an alchemist, and she's studying at Ravenwood, and she's very.
[00:36:30] Speaker A: These are students.
Well, yeah, I know.
[00:36:35] Speaker C: Who else want to go to. I bring her some good food that I've baked and everything. And she looks at my body and makes sure that I'm not eating myself from the inside out.
[00:36:43] Speaker A: I don't like any of those sentences.
[00:36:47] Speaker G: Mayo, with respect, don't say anything around this about any of our families.
[00:36:54] Speaker A: I didn't want to eat you. And not in a fun way. They're going to just kill you.
[00:36:59] Speaker G: I should. I should. I should point this at the table now, because it's already kind of strange. My mom definitely thinks I'm dating Niall. I'm trying to. I'm trying to put that into, like, social order, to, like, make sure Niall gets into places they shouldn't be. But isn't that. It's kind of strange, Kind of.
[00:37:17] Speaker C: I'm kind of taken, so I. I can't really.
[00:37:20] Speaker G: No, no. We. Obviously, we're not dating. Like, obviously. But, like, I think that if we. If I need to get you somewhere, just pull up the guys. You know. You know, looking at L. You know how my mom. You know how she knows a lot of my friends.
[00:37:37] Speaker C: I'll pretend to date you. Wait, hold on.
[00:37:40] Speaker G: I need to think about it. Only around the family.
[00:37:42] Speaker C: Only.
[00:37:42] Speaker G: Only around my family. We don't actually have to pretend all.
[00:37:45] Speaker C: The time to myself. Excuse them. One, do you think I'm handling this well? And two, are you okay if I fake date Yuri? I need your permission, babe.
Excuse me.
[00:37:54] Speaker B: Goes 1. No, 2. Sure.
[00:37:59] Speaker D: This Justin Schism's polyamorous.
[00:38:03] Speaker E: Just a big, gnarly.
[00:38:07] Speaker D: Wait, wait.
[00:38:09] Speaker G: Did you say babe to Schism?
[00:38:12] Speaker A: They've been calling Schism babe for a while now. It's just internal, so we can't react to it every time I scream a little.
[00:38:21] Speaker C: I've been calling Schism babe and dear, and this is the most ambiguous relationship. Like, they're fucking. I'm saying it. I just.
[00:38:30] Speaker G: I never caught it. I don't know why I never caught it.
[00:38:33] Speaker A: Who's gonna ask you who you are with? Because you said you were taken.
[00:38:38] Speaker C: Yeah, and I have.
[00:38:41] Speaker D: Yeah. No, who are you with?
[00:38:43] Speaker A: Who are you with?
[00:38:44] Speaker D: Whom.
[00:38:44] Speaker A: Do you have a partner?
[00:38:46] Speaker C: I'm gonna think to myself and just be like, do we tell them?
Yeah, it's springtime.
[00:38:54] Speaker B: You made this bed, now you're gonna lie in it.
[00:38:58] Speaker C: I think, honestly, at this point, we've already dug this bit. This is just Miles just thinking for a moment and thinking to themselves, like, I think at this point, I've dug this hole so bloody deep, it would be kind of, at this point, the best time to say it, because apparently I can't lie.
[00:39:14] Speaker G: Oh, you have more secrets?
[00:39:15] Speaker C: No, it's just thought internally now. I was just thinking while you guys are just staring at them, and now just.
[00:39:20] Speaker G: You're thinking there might as well be, like, a teleprompter going across your forehead. I think.
[00:39:24] Speaker C: And now just sigh and be like, all right. And I will open my hand for Schism to come out if Schism would like to.
[00:39:30] Speaker A: You let me meet them. And you didn't tell me you were dating them. That's worse than the candidate. Yeah, you showed it to me when I helped you with the bathroom.
[00:39:40] Speaker G: Yeah, you did show. Oh, no, you showed.
[00:39:44] Speaker A: You could do a great ventriloquy bit with them because they can speak.
[00:39:48] Speaker C: I know.
[00:39:49] Speaker A: I never even got their name.
[00:39:51] Speaker C: So the reason why I have my unfortunate dietary restrictions is. And I'm going. The mouth is going to open on my hand. And Schism, you can do whatever you want now. I guess you have right to say things. Unfortunately, I'm free.
[00:40:05] Speaker A: What you say right now, Schism. I'm so sorry.
[00:40:09] Speaker G: So you're. You're dating What. What name?
[00:40:14] Speaker C: Oh, this is gonna get a ride out of all of you.
[00:40:17] Speaker B: You can call me Schism.
[00:40:23] Speaker G: Oh, okay. Schism.
[00:40:26] Speaker E: And you said no to that as our group name? I thought you would be a more supportive partner, Niall.
[00:40:31] Speaker C: It would be weird.
[00:40:33] Speaker B: I honestly really liked it.
[00:40:36] Speaker C: I'm sorry.
[00:40:38] Speaker G: So.
So where are you from, Schism?
[00:40:47] Speaker B: Very far away.
[00:40:50] Speaker G: Like Da or something further.
Okay. I guess we could have this conversation later.
[00:41:00] Speaker F: Are you from the moon?
[00:41:06] Speaker B: Technically.
[00:41:11] Speaker D: Nothing. What?
[00:41:12] Speaker C: What?
[00:41:13] Speaker D: Not nothing. Oh, my.
You know, we have more.
We have so much more information to share. Can we just, like, put a pin on this and, like, go back to it after? Like. Like, this is.
[00:41:27] Speaker F: Alistair is like, doing a little rat dance in excitement.
[00:41:33] Speaker D: Okay, okay, we can. We can talk about. About that. The. The rest of that later. Thank you for sharing, Nile.
[00:41:41] Speaker G: Yes. Also, Schism, if you try to eat any of us, we will kill you. Sorry. Just need to make that.
[00:41:47] Speaker B: That's understandable.
[00:41:51] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:41:52] Speaker D: Nice to meet you.
[00:41:54] Speaker G: I guess.
[00:41:57] Speaker F: Doesn't this mean you're not. Not a cannibal?
[00:42:00] Speaker A: Schism is the Cannibal. You're right.
[00:42:03] Speaker C: I mean, schisms.
[00:42:06] Speaker D: Shut up. We're not talking about this. Shut the up. We're not. We're not talking about this at all. Not right now. Not right now. No, no, no, no, no, no. This is all three in the morning talks. Where? No, no, no.
In the lake.
[00:42:21] Speaker G: Great. Demetrius, Kism. We need to talk. You should go back inside.
[00:42:25] Speaker C: I mean, maybe Schism has useful information, but he'll pop out and say stuff if he thinks it's useful.
[00:42:31] Speaker G: Yeah, just not around other people. Obviously.
[00:42:36] Speaker D: There is a sea Drake in the lake.
[00:42:44] Speaker B: For real?
[00:42:46] Speaker D: Yes. Oh, and I show you the scales. Oh my gosh.
Yeah, so that's. That's our problem.
They. It attacked a attack docks for fish.
Which sounds like it shouldn't be doing that considering, you know, but it's been attacking several times. We gotta talk to the dock master. Who's apparently new you, right, Laith?
[00:43:19] Speaker E: Attack started around two months. Months ago. Got a new dockmaster around three.
And apparently there used to be some old ritual that they did to placate the Drake.
[00:43:33] Speaker G: So can I see one of those ghosts?
[00:43:37] Speaker D: I got four of them.
[00:43:38] Speaker A: Do you think there is a problem with the fish in the lake?
[00:43:42] Speaker C: Have we?
[00:43:42] Speaker A: Is there a lack of proper supply? And it is growing hungry. Are we over fishing?
[00:43:49] Speaker G: The population has been decreasing for a while actually.
Yeah, that's what my family's been saying.
[00:43:57] Speaker E: You would think with all the ghouls, the demand for fish would be lower than ever.
[00:44:03] Speaker A: Maybe that is a problem.
The demand is too high.
[00:44:08] Speaker G: Aubrey, could I do a monster Lord check on this?
[00:44:13] Speaker B: Sure. Yes.
[00:44:16] Speaker G: Where's my dice? Using this bouncy dice.
I'm gonna use a hero point to not use this bouncy dice.
Let me use my Yuri dice.
My Yura Doe dice. Sorry, not my Yuri dice. For those listening. I have different dice for that.
Anyways, that's a 21.
[00:44:36] Speaker B: 21.
You can ask a question about the seadrake catalyst. Like if you want to know any of its like stuff.
[00:44:49] Speaker G: I guess for me I'd want to know.
I guess my first question is how a sea Drake got into the lake. Are they known to like migrate for food?
And if it's a sea Drake, does it need to be salt water?
[00:45:08] Speaker B: I mean, the lake itself is kind of briny.
It is kind of where salt water and freshwater mix.
[00:45:19] Speaker G: So it's a lake in name, but it's actually like.
[00:45:22] Speaker B: Okay, yeah, it itself is. It could be the sea Drake from the legend that used to. That lives under the lake and Is placated with this ritual. Or it could have.
You could have followed the river up to where the lake is. And maybe it's now trapped and does not know how to get back to the ocean. You don't know.
It is a possibility that that could have happened. Or it could be the. Just the thing that's been woken up.
[00:45:53] Speaker G: Okay. And this is definitely. Like, I would know that this is something of a sea drake.
[00:45:58] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:45:58] Speaker B: Especially looking at the scale. It's. You've seen the kind of coloring and the patterns before. This is. This is very, very much sea drake.
[00:46:09] Speaker G: Okay. Yeah, I'll go.
Yeah. I mean, it's definitely sea drake. It could have got.
Follow the. The river and got caught into the lake itself. It doesn't know how to get out.
And a lake.
I mean, it'll explain why the population of normal fish in the lake has gone down. And if it's almost out, then you could get more food.
Should definitely try to figure out whatever that ritual was or else try to.
[00:46:43] Speaker E: Lead it back to sea. I don't suppose anyone can speak to seadrakes. Looks at Lou for half a second. And then down to Niall's hand where the schism mouth popped out. Schism.
[00:46:58] Speaker C: Schism can answer.
[00:47:00] Speaker B: Because it was. Just goes.
Not that I'm aware of.
[00:47:08] Speaker D: I can speak to snakes sometimes. That's the most I can do.
[00:47:12] Speaker A: That is really cool.
[00:47:17] Speaker G: We could figure it. I think we could probably figure it out. I don't know if.
I mean, it's a sea drake. If it's going out for food, it's hungry. We should probably just try to get some fish and lead it back to the ocean.
[00:47:30] Speaker A: Put the fish on the pirate ship and send them back to sea. The drake. Hey, I'm kidding.
[00:47:38] Speaker G: It's more than likely just a scared animal just trying to live.
[00:47:44] Speaker D: All right, we've got some options. We should still check in with this dock master. If anybody's gonna help us get a bunch of fish to lure it away, it's gonna be them.
[00:47:55] Speaker B: There's a plan. We can talk to the stockmaster and figure out where to go from there. You've got time before you have to deal with the Nadia problem.
So I think that's a pretty good spot to leave it for now as you all decide what your next probably go talk to the dockmaster and. Yeah, we'll see.
Take us out, tech.
[00:48:22] Speaker C: Thank you, everyone, for listening to another wonderful episode of Goblets and Days. Goblets and Day. Goblets and Gays. If you like what we do here. Feel free to follow us on Blue sky on Instagram I'm not we mentioning that ass site anymore. We have a patreon where we can support all of our content in the best way possible. Giving us money. I love that. With enough followers I'll draw feet picks no I won't but it'll be funny. And remember give us a nice review check us out on our little discord. We send messages sometimes and if you ping me 5 times 1am Like Beetlejuice I'll actually come in and just reply to you with like a spoiler. But anyways remember stay safe and get you friends that'll support your cannibalism habits.
[00:49:10] Speaker A: Meaning oh come let me stay by your side through this never ending night I can feel it now it holds me all these demons out they in this red light it calls me he is reaching out consuming so long.
[00:50:04] Speaker D: Keeps.
[00:50:04] Speaker A: On beating Take my hand we must.
[00:50:08] Speaker C: Face it again.
[00:50:36] Speaker A: This it.