Latest Episodes
Tyrant of the Dark Star 1.08 - Kill Them Better
The crew has found themselves locked in combat with a cadre of ghouls, getting a first hand taste of the dangers of this district....
Tyrant of the Dark Star 1.07 - The Great Bedroom Debate
The gang arrives to raid the nearby Inn, hoping for any kind of food to help them survive. They need more than beef jerky...
Tyrant of the Dark Star 1.06 Who Watches the Watchers?
Having just come back from meeting Helena Wollstonecraft the party talks about their plans, they need to get out of the district and the...
Tyrant of the Dark Star 1.05 - Light in the Window
Having staked out the clocktower as their haven for now the gang start to figure out what they are going to do. That is...
Tyrant of the Dark Star 1.04 - Oodles of Oozes
It can never be that easy can it? Finding themselves pinned in by oozes they need to fight once more. Will they all make...
Tyrant of the Dark Star 1.03 - Wading Through Soup
Having survived the fight to escape Cold Iron they make their way down into the sewers. Where they can finally take a moment to...